Our next Annual Summit starts in



15-17 October 2024


Tokyo, Japan

The Global Maritime Forum Annual Summit 2024 will be held 15-17 October in Tokyo. Roughly 200 leaders from across the maritime value chain and beyond will convene at the Otemachi Mitsui Hall to address the most pressing issues facing global seaborne trade.

Tokyo 2024 OverviewProgrammePracticalAbout the Annual SummitPrevious summits

The Global Maritime Forum’s Annual Summit brings together around 220 C-suite leaders from across the maritime spectrum who are willing to address the industry's most pressing issues. Invitees are selected to ensure adequate representation of the maritime value chain and give each segment, geography, and stakeholder group an equal say in the proceedings.

The Annual Summit primarily consists of workshop-style discussions that encourage participants to work in groups to seek collaborative responses to various challenges. The working sessions are supplemented by briefings with leading experts who will inspire and challenge the conversations, as well as a few keynote sessions and panel discussions featuring top government officials and business leaders.

The purpose of the Annual Summit is not merely to discuss industry issues but to catalyse collective initiatives that can increase sustainable long-term economic development and human well-being. The Annual Summit is thus highly collaborative, and all participants are expected to share, inspire, and learn.

Pathways to impact

The Annual Summit convenes key decision-makers from around the world in a different maritime capital each year, but the discussions don't stop there. The Summit has helped launch several highly-regarded industry initiatives, including the Getting to Zero Coalition, the All Aboard Alliance, and the Poseidon Principles.
