A strategy for the transition to zero-emission shipping

Fuel and energy

A new report prepared by University Maritime Advisory Services (UMAS) for the Getting to Zero Coalition lays out a comprehensive strategy for shipping’s transition to zero emissions and provides an analysis of transition pathways, scenarios, and levers for change.

The report aims to provide clarity on the essential elements of shipping’s transition: the political, technical, economic and commercial requirements, and the actions needed from the sector to deliver on them. It finds that a transition on the scale and with the speed needed is possible. To achieve it, however, the industry and regulators – both at regional and global levels – need to act at an accelerated pace.

The report has been developed by UMAS for the Getting to Zero Coalition, an industry-led platform for collaboration that brings together leading stakeholders from across the maritime and fuels value chains with the financial sector and other committed to making commercially viable zero emission vessels a scalable reality by 2030.